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Home >> Expert Talk >> AUT Disputes Appointment of Periyar University Acting Registrar

AUT Disputes Appointment of Periyar University Acting Registrar

  • 2024-05-31 08:40:13

The Association of University Teachers (AUT) has declared the promotion awarded to the Periyar University Registrar (full additional charge) as unlawful and demanded action against him. P. Thirunavukkarasu, the deputy president of the association, stated that the State government established an investigative committee in response to multiple allegations and claims of corruption against Periyar University.


Recently, university Vice-Chancellor R. Jagannathan promoted Thangavel, Registrar (FAC) and professor of computer science department, to the position of senior professor despite numerous unresolved corruption charges against him. Mr. Thangavel has yet to provide the documentation requested by the inquiry committee, and the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) is further investigating the allegations. It remains baffling how the Syndicate consented to this decision while allegations persist against Mr. Thangavel. "Elevating him to senior professor is illegitimate. We are uncertain whether the Higher Education Secretary is aware of this matter. Thus, we implore the higher education department to investigate this situation, revoke Mr. Thangavel's promotion, and impose sanctions on both the Registrar and Vice-Chancellor. As Mr. Thangavel's retirement approaches, it is crucial that action be taken swiftly", said Mr. Thirunavukkarasu.


University faculty members pointed out that only one professor had previously received a senior professor promotion. A recommendation for such a promotion occurred during a screening-cum-evaluation committee meeting held in November 2016. Following six years, in March 2022, the financial committee consented to the recommendation; subsequently, in May 2023, the Syndicate granted its approval as well. If any recommendation or resolution is made, it must receive approval within one year; however, faculty members consider granting promotion after a seven-year delay unacceptable. Upon being questioned about this matter, Mr. Thangavel claimed that the promotion adhered to the regulations.


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