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Rs 18000 / SEM
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  • Students Enrolled
  • Student Rating
  • Approvals
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  • Education Mode
  • Placement Record
  • Eligibility
  • NAAC Score
  • NIRF Rank
  • E-Learning
  • Online Classes
  • Satisfied Students
  • Industry Ready
  • Sample Certificate
  • EMI
  • Placement
  • NIRF
  • Online
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • 1200+
  • 4.3
  • UGC-BCI , AICTE Approved
  • Distance
  • Yes
  • 10+2/Graduation/ Any Working Profesional
  • 139 out of 171 in India 2023
  • 100 Above
  • Available
  • YES
  • 900
  • YES
  • Yes
  • Yes

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