Our Strength

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We Assemble

What Makes Us Unique

Compare the best universities

Our comparison function, which contains details about 75+ accredited online institutions, enables students to choose the best school after carefully weighing various variables.

Your choice, Our Recommendation

Our tool assists you in finding the university that best meets your needs.


At our company, trust is earned via performance. We've received acknowledgement and glowing testimonials.


We provide specifics about each course so that students may get all the necessary information in one spot.

Audio & Video Counselling

We offer both audio and video counselling because we want to help you in whatever manner we can. Make a decision based on your preferences.

Avert Scams

Not knowing the difference between phoney university websites and the real one is a fraud that you are all aware of but are unable to stop. This could lead to several accidents. Therefore, we are here to assist you in recognising the difference.

Life-Time Support

You can contact us for additional advice even after receiving your degree. Lifetime friend for career help and advice. Additionally, post-admission services like assignment submission, prompt LMS distribution, webinars with business experts, documents eligibility checking and loan process assistance will be provided.

A Guide

University Gyan acts as your guide and directs you to the university through our portal without any fuss.


Why pick University Gyan to help you choose wisely

We are an information gateway that is not affiliated with any university, so we are impartial and aim to promote what's best for the students. Students may weigh all of their alternatives and make the best decision for them.

We request students to make the payment directly to the university account through their official website.

We direct you to the legitimate website in order to protect you from being duped by fraudulent websites.

To help you on your journey, our professionals are available around-the-clock. It’s completely free of cost.

For every student, we designate a personal advisor. The student's appointed counsellors are available at any time to answer any inquiries.

We will be there for you every step of the way, from the moment you decide to begin your higher education online until you have finished your course.